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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

8 Reasons You Must Check and Remove Broken Links in Your Blog

In the internet language, a broken link is a hyperlink that is not functioning or a dead link as we can simply call it. It is just a link that points to a page that does no longer exist, and webmasters who are regularly in the process of creating contents daily, cannot avoid this type of link.

Webmasters who blog about news and make press releases usually experience this situation, because news will no longer be news after some time. So they say that, often, broken links cannot be avoided.

 Remove Broken Links in Your Blog

Why you need to be on the lookout for broken links and why you have to pay attention is of utmost consideration. A link to your website or blog that is no longer available may have serious indications, or it may lead to the conclusion of having a poorly managed website.

1• Broken links are bad experiences of users and give a bad impression, which is not good for your side if you have those broken links. No longer functioning links make the site no longer user friendly, and you have to avoid this.

2• Broken links are conditions where you will lose visitors and prospective sales. Visitors will also have no links to other pages within your website.

3• Your site will also lead to being no longer search engine friendly because search engine spiders will not be able to follow your links. Crawling ability will stop at the broken link.

4• Impressions of not being a good publisher or not effectively managing your site cannot be avoided in this situation. Thus, there is need for being constantly on the lookout for this to happen.

And if you encounter this situation with your links you have to seriously consider and analyze what causes it. Broken links can be caused by any reason like the following:

5• The website has expired because you have purposely let it expire. You may want to create another domain or have acquired another that has already a name in itself.

6• You may have renamed this page to another and no proper redirection was done. Or you may have moved to another site without proper notification or redirection.

7• You may have made changes in the structure of your page, a proper redirection of users have to done in this situation.

8• The linked page may only be temporary, like contents of news articles which are no longer sustaining because of no longer being newsworthy. Closer attention to these things has to be done.

Finding broken links can be done or your website by using tools that are widely available. With these tools you need only to enter the URL of your site and results will roll out for you to have through analysis, and this process has to be done regularly.