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Friday, 15 July 2011

About Me

Who on earth is Emebu Joy?   This blog is currently owned and managed by a single person, Emebu Blessing. I am in my late thirties as I am writing this now. I am happily married to a lovely and supportive wife who is indeed my suitable help-meet.

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I am an addicted God lover; His words are my daily delight. I am a very shy person, though socializes occasionally when the need arises.

I am a full time minister of God, and currently Pastoring a very fast growing branch of my ministry in Delta state. I combine this honorable divine assignment with blogging.

I have quite some other blogs. Blog creation/customizations, traffic generation and all blog related cases is my area of interest and specialization.

Before I conclude, I want to say a big thank you to persons like: Joel Comm, Ewen Chia, Yaro Starak, Darren Rowse, John Chow and all of you out there who in one way or the other have contributed to making me what I am today, may God continue to inspire and give you the angelic order of wisdom for speedy accomplishments in your careers.

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